% Source document is http://www.aaa.com.au/ABA_INFO
% Notes by Joe NA3T:
% This file is readable by AZ_PROJ v1.04 (or greater)
% Each line in this file represents a transmitter.
% The file format was devised for AZ_PROJ, a program which draws maps
% for amateur radio operators. A line of this file will be plotted
% by AZ_PROJ as a symbol on a map.
% It is hoped that this machine readable transmitter file
% format is a generally useful format for beacons, repeaters, rovers,
% TV stations, FM stations, AM broadcast stations, airport radars ...),
% for people who maintain and use databases for transmitters.
% The line format for transmitters and it's specifications
% are hereby released into the public domain.
% Suggestions for changes in the format are welcome.
% Joseph Mack NA3T Nov 96, mack@ncifcrf.gov
% To add a transmitter to the file, supply data in the form
% transmitter_type:frequency:string_1(suggested use, callsign):6 character grid_locator:power(W):beam_heading(s):string_2(suggested use, location or special operating condx):comment ignored by reading program (eg AZ_PROJ)
% eg 2m beacon
% beacon:144.170:NA3T:FM19gk:60:300:Frederick, MD: Joe, ph# 301-555-1212, 5dbd yagi, from W3EP, Oct 96
% eg. rover operating a weekend 10GHz contest from Mt Ascutney
% rover:10:NA3T:FN33sk:::only saturday: 2m link is 147.54, cell ph# 860-555-1212
% eg TV station North America channel 2, used as a 6m propagation marker